Landing Page Design
Landing page design requires the bundling of different online marketing disciplines. To direct them like a laser to the needs of your customers – and to satisfy them.
Landing page design requires the bundling of different online marketing disciplines. To direct them like a laser to the needs of your customers – and to satisfy them.
It is easy to forget important aspects when designing landing pages. If this is the case, you burn your budget. Of course you can optimize your landing page with A/B tests. Getting important things right from the start, saving time, energy and budget.
A landing page is made up of many components. I learned the most important factor from Karl Kratz: “Don’t waste the valuable lifetime of the visitors.” In other words, don’t bore them. The most important component for this is empathy. Before I create important elements such as the headline, the introduction, the conversion elements, etc., I put myself in my clients’ shoes.
You can call your potential customers target group or maybe demand group. I find out who they are with an SEO analysis. Whoever searches in Google or other search systems usually wants to solve a problem. Often an event has occurred and he or she is looking for a solution. This person is missing something. When does the lack become a concrete need?
“Back from my holidays I would like to thank you for your very good work in the past year. There have been a few rumblings here and there, but I was always convinced that you are the right man. NUMBER 1 in bathtub repair was a great Christmas present!”
Thomas Lange, Ihr Badewannendoktor
In my work as a search engine optimizer (SEO) I face daily challenges. E.g. to think my way into verticals I have no previously worked in. If I want to market my clients’ products, I need to know who I am writing for. I sit down for this and put myself in the customers’ situation in writing. In other words, my clients and their clients. With a clear list at hand, I get to know the vertical piece by piece.
“With Mr. Hanstein’s landing pages, we were able to achieve significant performance improvements for our customers. Personally, I like working with Mr. Hanstein because it is very uncomplicated and fair and I have always been very satisfied with the result so far.”
Holger Schulz, Google Ads Expert
Adapt the web design empathically to your target group and avoid any mistakes, especially in the text. Imagine the success of your landing page as a door at the end of a long, bright corridor. There are doors to the left and right of this corridor. Every single one of them means an exit, a termination of the incipient conversion. Every mistake, every inconsistent detail can cause this exit.
Make a test and ask a person who has nothing to do with the topic to look at your landing page. Ask her two questions: